27 November 2024 - COP29 Daily Update #12

"COP29 outcomes are a clear demonstration that global commitments and solidarity for climate action is one of the immediate and biggest victims of the evolving domestic and geopolitical turbulence."

Yunus Arikan, ICLEI Director of Global Advocacy and LGMA Focal Point

COP29: While Baku delivered bare minimum, multilevel action is vital more than ever to keep climate ambition on track

Upon the conclusion of COP29, the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency welcomes the first major climate finance deal in fifteen years. However, the deal is inadequate to ensure that communities around the world can protect themselves and represents the absolute floor of finance that is needed. With a disappointing lack of ambition in the overall COP29 outcomes, the LGMA Constituency stressed the increasing importance of multilevel action to ensure the climate fight continues at speed and scale.
Above image: LGMA at the COP29 Open Dialogue with UNFCCC Constituencies and Parties.

How did cities and regions shape the climate agenda at COP29? Watch our recap video

Wrapping up COP29, this video showcases the contributions of local and regional governments in driving the global climate agenda over two weeks in Baku. Explore highlights from the Multilevel Action & Urbanization Pavilion, key moments from negotiation spaces and plenary sessions, and the outcomes of this year’s summit. Join us as we build momentum toward COP30 in Belém.

LGMA COP29 Closing plenary statement

During the last day of COP29, the LGMA Statement raised concerns over low ambition across key climate tracks but welcomed progress on urbanization, the Baku Adaptation Roadmap, and expanded High-Level Champion mandates. Despite setbacks, the LGMA reaffirmed its commitment to collaboration, ambition, and solidarity in addressing global challenges.
We look forward to seeing you at the COP29 LGMA Debrief

Hosted by Yunus Arikan, ICLEI Director of Global Advocacy and LGMA Focal Point, this webinar will offer you insights from COP29 outcomes and its implications for cities, regions and other subnationals as we look ahead of COP30 in Belém, Brazil, in 2025. Register now!
Wednesday, 4 December
10:00 CET | Register
16:00 CET | Register

UN Climate Change High-Level Champions: Mandate extended by 2030

A landmark decision at COP29 was the extension of the UN High-Level Champions' mandate until 2030, signaling strong recognition of the vital role non-party stakeholders play in advancing Paris Agreement goals across finance, adaptation, and mitigation.

Ministerial Meeting on Urbanization and Climate Change: Outcomes released

The third Ministerial Meeting on Urbanization anchored COP29’s Tourism, Transport, and Urbanisation Day on 20 November. This year, and for the first time, the Ministerial offered a High-Level Opening and four thematic High-Level Roundtables. Outcomes include the launch of the Multisectoral Action Pathways (MAP) for Resilient and Healthy Cities Declaration and the Baku Continuity Coalition on Urban and Multilevel Climate Action.
LGMA COP29 Milestones
LGMA Statement at the Resumed High-Level Segment

Delivered by Marjorie Kauffman, State Secretary for Environment and Infrastructure, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and ICLEI Vice President. Reflecting on the devastating 2024 floods in her State, she underscored the need for coordinated disaster response, equitable climate finance, and support for local governments to drive impactful change. Watch her intervention here (1:03:20).
Mayor Maimunah Sharif urges COP29: Strengthen multilateralism with a whole-of-society approach

On 12 November, at the COP29 World Leaders Climate Action Summit (WLCAS), Maimunah Sharif, Mayor of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; COP29 International Advisory Board Member; and advisor to the ICLEI Global Executive Committee, took the stage on behalf of local government networks, mayors, and community leaders. Watch her intervention here (30:09).
LGMA demands urgent multilevel action and climate finance 

At COP29's kick-off on 11 November, cities, regions, local and subnational governments, and other non-party stakeholders held a press conference to demonstrate their indispensable role in climate action. Read the press release here
Multilevel Action & Urbanization Pavilion High-level Opening: The home for where local goes global

The Pavilion's inaugural session on 12 November featured a panel of distinguished speakers who represented different levels of climate action. Co-convened by UN-Habitat and ICLEI as the LGMA Constituency focal point, the event focused on multilevel engagement to elevate climate ambition and integrate sustainable urbanization into climate emergency action.
LGMA response to the World Leaders Climate Action Summit

The LGMA Constituency gathered on 13 November at a special session to respond to COP29 and the World Leaders Climate Action Summit (WCAS). Building on the LGMA Joint Position, leaders reflected upon their expectations for a successful COP29 outcome to enable ambitious, multilevel climate action.
 LGMA Resources
The voice of cities and regions through LGMA interventions

On behalf of the LGMA, political leaders and representatives delivered several interventions throughout the duration of COP29. From the COP29 Opening Plenary, the third Ministerial Meeting on Urbanization and Climate Change to the Closing Plenary, you can see all interventions here.
Missed COP29? Read the LGMA Daily updates

Throughout the two weeks of COP, our on-the-groud daily updates from the LGMA Constituency provided exclusive coverage of the city and region climate agenda, negotiation progress, announcements, and interviews. Explore our past issues directly from the Climate Conference.
UNFCCC COP29 resources
 LGMA behind the scenes
LGMA leaders, ministers, and ICLEI and UN-Habitat representatives at the Ministerial Meeting on Urbanization and Climate Change.
Yunus Arikan, ICLEI-LGMA, and Minna Arve, Mayor of Turku, Finland, and ICLEI First Vice President, brought bold steps to the Ministerial Meeting—literally. 
LGMA crew at the COP29 Opening Plenary.
The LGMA events hosted at the Multilevel Action & Urbanization Pavilion drew great engagement from the audience.
Toby Walker, Climate Group; Goksen Sahin, ICLEI Europe; and Urszula Kasperek, C40-GCoM, at the COP29 Open Dialogue with UNFCCC Constituencies and Parties.
Check out all the photos
Video gallery
Watch all LGMA COP29 videos
Good reads to keep up with COP29
Thank you to all of the co-hosts and partners of the Multilevel Action & Urbanization Pavilion at COP29
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