2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference

The Multilevel Action & Urbanization Pavilion
The Multilevel Action & Urbanization Pavilion serves as the global stage for the city climate agenda during COP28. The Pavilion brought into focus not only the challenges and needs, but also the accomplishments and commitments of local and subnational actors on climate action.
Our inclusive platform brings together cities, towns, regions, and representatives from the LGMA Constituency organizations, as well as individuals and groups dedicated to supporting local and subnational actors in playing more substantial roles in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.
The Multilevel Action & Urbanization Pavilion is co-convened by ICLEI, in its role as the focal point of the LGMA Constituency, and UN-Habitat, and co-hosted by the Scottish Government and Bloomberg Philanthropies in partnership with the the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) and C40 Cities.
Our daily updates from COP28
COP28 LGMA interventions
These interventions have been delivered throughout the duration of COP28, from 30 November to 12 December 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Ecosystem of subnational advocacy towards COP28

LGMA’s Position Towards COP28 Negotiations
The LGMA released its joint position on topics relating to climate negotiations for COP28. The document is in two parts: 1) top line messages designed for local, regional and subnational governments in the LGMA constituency, empowering them to advocate collectively in the lead-up to and during COP28; and 2) key messages in “UN language,” suitable for direct inclusion in the COP28 decision documents
Open Letter to COP28 Leadership on Multilevel Cooperation and Financing
In an open letter sent to the COP28 UAE Presidency, UN Climate Change, The World Bank, and High-Level Climate Champions ahead of COP28, mayors, governors, and leaders of subnational sustainability networks are calling for full-scale coordination between local, regional, and national leaders to achieve the targets of the Paris Agreement.
The #MultiLevelActionDelivers Agenda for Dubai
We sought national endorsements and co-chairs for the COP27 Presidency’s Sustainable Urban Resilience for the Next Generation (SURGe) Initiative, showing that local and regional governments are making progress across its five cross-cutting themes. We did this by bringing synergy between the UN-Habitat Second Assembly and the UNFCCC SB58, as well as World Urban Forum 12 in Egypt in 2024. We advocated for a second Urbanization Ministerial at COP28, with strengthened governance and Secretariat, and will work to bring synergy between the Global Climate Action Agenda, High-Level Champions, Breakthrough Agenda (Parties), and 2030 Breakthroughs (Non-Parties).
We can turn every City Hall and Regional Parliament into a mini-COP! By cementing the local and regional contribution to the Global Stocktake this and ever year, we will introduce political momentum to the Paris Agreement. The LGMA, in collaboration with Earth Day Network, YOUNGO, and other partners focused on NDCs, local climate plans, and climate justice using the Talanoa Dialogues model.
We enhanced our stakeholder engagement even further this year, with a focus on Loss-and-Damage Transitional Committee in collaboration with Scotland, Art6.8 non-market mechanisms in the Paris Agreement, a strong Goal on Adaptation, ACE, and more UNFCCC negotiation items.
Toward #MultiLevelActionDelivers: Latest Successes
For the LGMA, the annual COP serves as only one moment in a busy calendar. We demonstrate multilevel action delivers all year long. At the Bonn Climate Conference 6 to 16 June 2022, one major outcome was the UNFCCC’s recognition that the Paris Agreement’s Global Stocktake can be a local-level process culminating at COP28 this year. During World Urban Forum in Kotawice, Poland, from 26 to 30 June 2022, the LGMA presented Sharon Dijksma, Mayor of Utrecht, the Netherlands, as the Special Envoy for COP27 Ministerials and Mohamed Sefiani, Mayor of Chefchaouen, Morocco, as the Special Envoy for Africa for COP27.
The Road to COP28