UNFCCC Climate Change Conference
Building the architecture for inclusive and ambitious climate action
ICLEI was at COP22 from November 7-18 in Marrakech with high level representatives from over 50 cities, towns and regions, helping to build the Paris Agreement implementation architecture. During this COP, local and subnational governments further positioned themselves as vital partners in shaping and implementing the international architecture and the coordinated efforts of committed non-Party actors.
Read more about our analysis of what local and subnational governments brought to the table at this COP or browse the contents below to find everything you need to know about key outcomes and events involving local and subnational governments.

COP22 Outcomes

The Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action aims at connecting the actions of nations and other climate stakeholders

The COP22 solutions-driven conference for governments, businesses, science and academia.

Highlights of the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency at the UNFCCC, facilitated by ICLEI as its focal point.
COP22 digests collect all the latest news and stories related to the conference, including blog posts, news articles, events, webinars, videos and photos.
Download the press release developed by ICLEI after the COP.
The Paris Climate Package: A Basic Guide for Local and Subnational Governments
This guide, developed by ICLEI in its capacity as focal point of the Local Government and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency, was created for local and subnational governments. This publication is freely available for download here. It responds to four important questions posed in the Paris Climate Package (including the Paris Agreement):
- The road towards COP21: What processes led to the recognition and engagement of local and subnational governments in the Paris Climate Package?
- Local and subnational governments at COP21 in Paris: How did local leaders engage in Paris?
- Key outcomes of the 2015 Paris Climate Package: What does the Paris Climate Package mean for local and subnational governments
- Accompanying the implementation of the Paris Climate Package through integrated local transformation: What steps should local and subnational governments take to support implementation of the Paris Climate Package?
Read all COP22 blogposts on our blog CityTalk here.