COP28 Coalition for High Ambition Multilevel Partnerships (CHAMP) for Climate Action

  What is CHAMP?

The Coalition for High Ambition Multilevel Partnerships (CHAMP) for Climate Action was created to enhance cooperation between national and subnational governments in the planning, financing, implementation, and monitoring of climate strategies.

CHAMP was put forth by the COP28 Presidency in Dubai, and was ultimately signed by 72 endorsers at COP28. As of February 2025, 75 nations have endorsed CHAMP.

The CHAMP pledge was led by the COP28 Presidency, with support from Bloomberg Philanthropies and a coalition of partners including C40, the Global Covenant of Mayors, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the NDC Partnership, the University of Maryland, United Cities and Local Governments, Under2 Coalition, WRI – Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, and UN-Habitat.

Special invitation: LGMA briefing on CHAMP at COP29

COP29 marks one year since the launch of the Coalition for High Ambition Multi-level Partnerships (CHAMP). This webinar will cover objectives and messages for the LGMA on CHAMP during COP29, events that will take place, and how the LGMA constituency can support CHAMP’s continued success. There are two opportunities to attend the briefing on 31 October and 7 November at 13.30 UTC+1 and the briefings will be recorded for those who are not able to attend.

Is my country a CHAMP endorser?

List of endorsing countries (as of February 2025):

1. Albania
2. Andorra
3. Antigua and Barbuda
4. Armenia
5. Australia
6. Azerbaijan
7. Bahamas
8. Bangladesh
9. Belgium
10. Bhutan
11. Brazil
12. Brunei Darussalam
13. Bulgaria
14. Burkina Faso
15. Cabo Verde
16. Canada
17. Chad
18. Chile
19. Colombia
20. Costa Rica
21. Cote d’Ivoire
22. Denmark
23. Dominican Republic
24. El Salvador
25. Estonia
26. Eswatini
27. Ethiopia
28. Finland
29. France
30. Germany
31. Ghana
32. Guatemala
33. Hungary
34. Iceland
35. Italy
36. Jamaica
37. Japan
38. Jordan
39. Kenya
40. Kiribati
41. Kyrgyzstan
42. Lebanon
43. Lesotho
44. Mexico
45. Moldova
46. Mongolia
47. Morocco
48. Netherlands
49. Nicaragua
50. Nigeria
51. North Macedonia
52. Norway
53. Pakistan
54. Palau
55. Panama
56. Papua New Guinea
57. Paraguay
58. Philippines
59. Poland
60. Portugal
61. Rwanda
62. Sant Vincent and the Grenadines
63. Serbia
64. Seychelles
65. Sierra Leone
66. South Korea
67. Sri Lanka
68. Tunisia
69. Türkiye
70. Turkmenistan
71. UAE
72. Ukraine
73. United Kingdom
74. United States of America
75. Yemen

New nations join CHAMP

Finland, the UK, and Tunisia have all endorsed CHAMP since COP28.

Kai Mykkänen, Finland’s Minister of Climate and the Environment, who announced the country’s endorsement of CHAMP during 2024 Climate Week in New York City, said, “By joining the CHAMP initiative we want to give our support to the work done at the regional level, both in Finland and globally.”

In Finland, the effort was spearheaded by Minister Mykkänen and Minna Arve, Mayor of Turku, Finland, and ICLEI First Vice President, the country’s endorsement of CHAMP shows that leaders at every level are working together to solve the climate emergency.

“Cities are on the frontline of the climate work, and I’m really proud that we already have in Finland very strong cooperation between the national government, regions, and cities, and this is a way to make it even more systemic,” said Mayor Arve.

What have CHAMP endorsers pledge to do?

As part of the pledge, endorsers committed to take up six actions – in ways determined by their own governments – including: 1) Consult with their respective subnational governments; 2) Work collaboratively with their respective subnational governments to review, design, enhancement, consolidation and implementation of their national commitments and strategies; 3) Create inclusive institutional and informal processes to enable subnational governments to contribute to further enhancing NDCs; 4) Include relevant subnational government projects in climate-related investment priorities; 5) Undertake regular, and inclusive country-led reviews of progress at national and subnational level around the implementation of CHAMP commitments; and 6) Meet with representative subnational leaders and other CHAMP endorsers in the lead up to both COP29 and COP30.

Endorsers are encouraged to cooperate with local and regional governments on their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and Long Term Low-Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS), to maximize climate action.

These commitments come with great urgency. The critically-important next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) drafts are due for submission to the UNFCCC in February 2025 and then final submissions are due by the end of 2025.

  The LGMA supports the implementation of CHAMP

When CHAMP was announced, the LGMA came out in strong support of the effort and recognized the forward-looking countries who have already pledged to join the Coalition. CHAMP supports decades of climate advocacy by the LGMA Constituency for multilevel climate action, as well as championing the bridging of urban and climate communities, and particularly complements progress at COP26 and COP27. Thus, the LGMA fully supports the basis for CHAMP’s approach – that by engaging local and other subnational governments, national governments can achieve more ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by 2025.

As part of the ongoing support for the initiative, the LGMA has convened a working group on CHAMP that will help to advance the efforts of endorsers to implement their commitments.

LGMA sends letter to the COP Presidencies Troika

The LGMA constituency emphasizes that CHAMP offers a pathway to accelerate inclusive, multilevel climate action, mobilize financing, and align the climate and sustainable development agendas. At COP29, LGMA called on the COP Presidencies Troika to institutionalize subnational collaboration within the Paris Agreement framework, advancing LGMA’s vision of a fair, resilient transition that leaves no one behind.

Further support for CHAMP

Key resources on the implementation of CHAMP

Partner organizations from the LGMA are offering support to the endorsers of CHAMP and local and other subnational governments with tailored resources.

CHAMP COP29 briefing, 2024: Understanding and promoting multi-level action

A year since its launch, the CHAMP is supporting more ambitious climate action by promoting dialogue and integrated policy-making between national and subnational (city, regional and state) governments.

Delivering CHAMP-Aligned NDC 3.0: Guidance for Endorsers

A high-level guidance brief for delivering enhanced NDCs incorporating strong subnational content and robust consultation with subnational governments – in line with the principles of the CHAMP Pledge.

The CHAMP opportunity: A toolkit for cities, towns, states and regions to take action on climate change

CHAMP creates a major opportunity for cities, towns, states and regions to secure climate investment and advance ambitious inclusive climate action on the ground.

LGMA – CHAMP COP29 briefing webinar

This webinar provides latest updates on the CHAMP initiative ahead of COP29 in Baku.

Powering collective action from Daring Cities to COP29 in Baku

In this Daring Cities 2024 session, Shelley Nania from Bristol City Council comments on the UK joining CHAMP.

Bloomberg Philanthropies, COP28, and World Resources Institute Host High-Level Political Dialogue to Accelerate Multilevel Climate Action and Deliver Ambitious NDCs

This CHAMP High-Level Political Dialogue focused on advancing national and subnational climate action and advancing more ambitious NDCs by 2025.

CHAMP EXPLAINED: Opportunities for Subnational-National Climate Partnerships

This webinar deep dives into what the COP28 launched CHAMP means for cities and regions.

4 Sept 2024
10:00 & 19:00 UTC+2
Online event

CHAMP & Town Hall COPs: Connecting local climate action to national and global goals

The session focused on implementing COP28’s CHAMP initiative for Climate Action and the Town Hall COPs, piloted in 2023 as “local stocktakes.”

31 July 2024
16:00 UTC+2
Online event

5th Monthly LGMA COP29 Webinar – 22 May (10:00 CEST session)

Part of the LGMA monthly webinar series, this session presents the CHAMP initiative and how it can empower subnational voices.

22 May 2024
10:00 UTC+2
Online event

Connecting the dots: Multilevel action from Daring Cities to COP29 and COP30

This session at Daring Cities 2024 aims to address how CHAMP is relevant to the climate emergency and how its implementation is critical as we move toward COP29 and even COP30.

30 April 2024
16:00 UTC+2
Online event

Operationalizing the Ministerial Meeting: Catalyzing urban transformation on the road to COP30

Hosted by ICLEI and UN-Habitat, this session discusses the 2nd Ministerial’s outcomes, where national Ministers, local leaders and other experts, committed to endorsed CHAMP.

6 Dec 2024
14:00 UTC+4
In-person event

From commitment to delivery: Financing multilevel action

Ahead of the second Ministerial Meeting on Urbanization and Climate Change, ICLEI and the GCoM delved into how global climate finance could translate into local climate action, and how CHAMP fits into the picture.

5 Dec 2024
14:30 UTC+4
In-person event

LGMA letter to the COP Presidencies Troika

The letter addresses the COP Presidencies Troika, highlighting key developments and collaborative opportunities for advancing CHAMP and the role of subnational governments within the UNFCCC process.

Finland joins CHAMP initiative, becoming the 73rd nation to endorse the multilevel climate pledge

Spearheaded by Turku Mayor and ICLEI First Vice President Minna Arve, the initiative aims to enhance cooperation between national, regional, and local governments in Finland and beyond.

U.S. cities are raising climate ambition through subnational diplomacy

The U.S. Conference of Mayors recently adopted a resolution urging cities to update their climate targets and collaborate with the federal government, following the U.S.’s endorsement of CHAMP at COP28.

Cities can bring CHAMP to life

In response to Bonn Mayor Dörner’s call during the ICLEI World Congress 2024, national associations of local governments in Germany, Brazil, and the U.S. have pledged to CHAMP, pioneering a global movement to push for stronger local involvement in national climate plans.

Call to support multilevel climate action

Mayor Katja Dörner of Bonn, Germany announced a call-to-action inviting subnational leaders to proactively approach their national governments and national associations of local governments for multilevel NDCs by 2025

Cities and regions step up multilevel climate action momentum at SB60

Running alongside the SB60 sessions on 3-5 June, Daring Cities 2024 Bonn Dialogues included a CHAMP endorsers roundtable and the first joint public dialogue between UN High-Level Climate Champions.

CHAMP endorsers strategize together at Daring Cities roundtable

Part of Daring Cities 2024, a dedicated roundtable discussed progress of CHAMP on enhancing cooperation between national and local governments, emphasizing the need to integrate local efforts into national plans and the NDCs.

Multilevel action and urbanization: Safeguarding the delivery of multilateral environmental agreements

This ICLEI’s UNEA-6 side event discussed the implementation of CHAMP and the key role of subnational governments for all national and global goals.

Local action for global goals: An opportunity for enhancing NDCs

An analysis into the CHAMP-endorsing countries revealed that 2/3 of countries display low or moderate urban content in their NDCs. This leaves room to integrate more urban priorities in the next NDC revision cycle in 2025 at COP30 in Belém in Brazil.

CHAMP: Catalyzing global climate goals through national and subnational cooperation

This blog explains how CHAMP aims to bridge the gap between local and national climate efforts to meet the Paris Agreement targets, highlighting the involvement of various climate organizations.

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